A&移动商务 学生 Dazzle, Inspire at 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会

Multiple student organizations representing the College of 科学与工程 (CoSE) at 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 dazzled nearly a thous和 达拉斯 ISD students 和 their families at this year's 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会.

A young boy peers into a microscope.
A 达拉斯 ISD student peers into a microscope at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

Marking its 10-year anniversary, the annual 阀杆 Expo encourages the district's students to engage with science, 技术, engineering 和 mathematics through interactive exhibits. 的 event is the largest of its kind in Texas.

Accompanied by faculty 成员 Dr. 奈玛汗, Dr. 林郭 和 undergraduate admissions counselor 博查特佩吉, A&移动商务 student groups featured several interactive demonstrations at their booth.

A faculty member talks to children congregating at a table displaying various science demonstrations.
A&移动商务教授. 奈玛汗 at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

艾玛·范迪登, Alyssa黑线鳕, 科林CallagherTatam莱特Beta Beta Beta National Honors Biological Society taught attendees how to look under a microscope to view microorganisms. 的y also demonstrated anatomical models of a skull, 一个肾, an eye 和 a double helix model of DNA.

College students sit at a table displaying various science demonstrations.
来自A的学生&移动商务 chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Honors Biological Society at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.
College students displaying various science demonstrations for school-age students.
来自A的学生&移动商务 chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Honors Biological Society at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

Environmental Science Society 成员 大卫•杰克逊杰米•塞万提斯 demonstrated a soil filtration system, 水和土壤PH计, 一种水电导率计制造技术, an air quality monitor 和 a groundwater flow system illustrating how contaminants move through the ground.

College students st和 behind a table displaying various science demonstrations.
来自A的学生&移动商务 chapter of the Environmental Science Society at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.
College students displaying various science demonstrations for school-age students.
来自A的学生&移动商务 chapter of the Environmental Science Society at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

物理学生学会,有成员 Makayla三通, 谢尔曼一丁点它们瑞安Rodgriguez, used balance birds to illustrate differing centers of mass 和 demonstrated traveling 和 st和ing waves, conservation of angular momentum, running a current through a coil to produce a magnetic field 和 converting mechanical power to electrical energy.

College students sit at a table displaying various science demonstrations.
来自A的学生&移动商务 chapter of the 物理学生学会 at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

“Watching the younger kids experience the demonstrations for the first time was amazing,” Teer said. “的ir eyes lit up with amazement 和 curiosity when they discovered something new, 和 then again when they figured out how it worked!”

Two college students perform a science demonstration for a young boy.
A&移动商务 students perform a science demonstration at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

一丁点它们同意. “It was nice talking with these young science enthusiasts,” he said. “的y asked good questions that got to the root of what was happening.”

A college student demonstrates a balance bird.
一个一个&移动商务 student demonstrates a balance bird at the 2024 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会. 由德州农协提交&M University-商务 College of 科学与工程.

的 达拉斯ISD 阀杆博览会 和 similar community events provide CoSE students with valuable teaching opportunities 和 the chance to network 和 establish professional connections while cultivating future outreach activities.

“Our student groups are doing amazing things in the classroom 和 beyond,” said Dr. Andrea Graham, dean of the College of 科学与工程. “的y are true ambassadors representing the high-quality 阀杆 programs 在一个&移动商务 和 helping us share our love of science, 技术, engineering 和 math with aspiring 阀杆 students.”

Ready to launch your 阀杆 future? Discover a world of opportunities available through the College of 科学与工程 在一个&移动商务!